Maintenance Division
The Fire Shop is a division of FD12 that maintains and repairs our fleet.
An average fire engine runs approximately $560,000 (without equipment) which is a dramatic increase over years past. Ladder trucks can cost well over $1,000,000. With costs rising and income lowering, it is our obligation to maximize the lifespan of each and every piece of equipment. Now more than ever, regularly scheduled maintenance is a proven extender to do just that. Our in-house mechanics provide preventative maintenance on our entire fleet ranging from our small engines (chain saw, lawn mowers, generators) all the way to our small response vehicles and large response apparatus.
In order to minimize downtime, we stock a variety of commonly needed parts. We deal with a wide variety of emergency vehicle repairs, including the replacement of major components such as engines, transmissions and fire pumps. The shop also has a fully equipped service unit to make emergency repairs in the field.
In 2012, we acquired a mobile pump testing trailer which allows us to do annual pump testing onsite and minimize moving emergency apparatus out of their response area.